PAVING THE WAY: County engineer recognized with statewide award

Published 9:00 am Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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It’s been smooth paving for Chambers County ever since Josh Harvill took the position of county engineer at the Chambers County Highway Department. 

This August, Harvill’s above-and-beyond approach to public service awarded him with the John F Courson Excellence in County Engineering Award. During Monday’s county commission meeting, James Williams, Chambers County Commission Chair, presented Harvill with a plaque in recognition. 

“We’re lucky to have Mr. Harvill as our county engineer,” Williams said. “He has done an outstanding job at not just running the highway department, but helping us commissioners with other problems all across the county.” 

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According to Harvill, the “John F Courson Excellence in County Engineering Award” recognizes unique, innovative or superb accomplishments in county engineering. The Association of County Engineers of Alabama presents the statewide award annually. 

On August 20, Harvill received the award during the 2024 Association of County Commissions Convention. 

Harvill said he could not accept the credit without also recognizing all the different people in his department who have contributed to their efforts. 

“It is very humbling and rewarding to be recognized by your peers. The Association of County Engineers of Alabama is an organization that provides important education in the field of County Engineering but, just as importantly, an opportunity to develop a network of fellow Engineers in local government,” Harvill said in a statement to the VTN. “I’ve learned so much from my peers across the state and have several County Engineers who are not only my mentors but are very close friends.”

“So, yes, a very special award for me. But, I see it more as recognition of what our County and our Highway Department has accomplished,” Harvill continued in the statement. “Without the leadership and support of the County Commission, I would not have the opportunity to work with such a great group of men and women.”

Of the department’s leadership — starting with Assistant County Engineer Daniel Lundy and Operations Superintendent Mike Meadows — Harvill said, it is “as good as any in the state.”

“Even though our Highway Department is relatively small, 29 full time employees, there’s no other group that I would want to work with and I believe that this award recognizes our Department’s excellence, not an individual’s.”

Each of the commissioners present on Monday night had a word of recognition to add about Harvill. 

“It really makes you feel good when you have the best engineer in the state, other engineers in the state hunt you down as a commissioner and tell you how good of an engineer we have,” said Commissioner David Eastridge.

During the meeting, Eastridge said that he has had many other engineers in the state come up to him to compliment Harvill. 

“I’ve been on commission now going on 13 years, and you’ve been nothing but a joy to work with. Josh, we appreciate you,” said Commissioner Charlie Williams. 

“We’re just thankful that you’re here with us in Chambers County,” said Commissioner Doug Jones. 

Sam Bradford said he wanted to remind everyone that Harvill was selected for the award not just from among his peers but by his peers.

“When you’re more selected by your peers, that is more meaningful,” Bradford said. 

“If there’s a better engineer than Josh Harvill, I’d like to see them,” Bradford said. “But we appreciate you.”