Take care of yourself
Published 10:21 pm Friday, June 22, 2018
Atopic that always pops up everywhere is that of health. It seems that every week there is a new miracle drug or fantastic supplement. The validity of these claims is up to the individual user, but the advertising messages are the same as those in athletic wear and shoes: you need these to look, act and feel better.
Basing products and services around health has been common practice since the invention of ads.
Unfortunately, the common person who might want to lose a few pounds or just feel better in general might feel overwhelmed when figuring out how to keep up with it all. That doesn’t have to be.
The best thing one can do is self-care.
Self-care is just taking care of oneself, whatever that may entail. No programs or schedule, just finding ways to feel better that don’t seem like a chore.
Groups like the Chattabrewchee running club in West Point are perfect examples of this ideal. Different members of the group are running in part to meet their own goals and train for their next event, but they are all doing it because they enjoy it, and it makes them feel good.
Utilizing the Valley Community Center, kayaking down the Chattahoochee or even walking through any of the local parks in the Greater Valley Area allow for easy, fun and stress-free means of doing something to achieve the same feeling.
Self-care isn’t following a strict regimen or cutting huge amounts of calories. Self-care is picking the salad over the fries, getting a good night’s rest or running with a group of your friends.
Take care of yourself.