Brian Jack wins Republican Nomination for Congressional seat

Published 10:10 pm Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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Brian Jack has won the Republican nomination for Georgia’s District 3 Congressional seat. In the runoff election, Jack beat state Congressman Mike Dugan district-wide by receiving 63 percent of the votes to Dugan’s 37 percent. 

The results are unofficial but all precincts within Troup County have reported in, including early voting and mail-in results. At the time of publication, 95 percent of all district votes have been counted.

Jack will now face Democratic nominee Maura Keller in November’s general election to decide the next U.S. representative for District 3. 

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Jack also won Troup County, with 63.31 percent of votes cast for him by Troup residents. Dugan received 36.69 percent in the county.  Jack won in all the counties within the district except Dugan’s home, Caroll County, where Dugan received 57 percent of the votes (with over 95 percent of the county’s votes in).   

Dugan has served as a Georgia state senator since 2013 and was elected majority leader in 2018. Before that, he worked in the construction industry and had a long military career. 

Jack had also led the pack during the May 21 election, however, none of the primary candidates received over 50 percent of the votes, necessitating a runoff. Jack and Dugan received the two highest number of votes, qualifying them for the run-off election. 

Jack was a senior advisor for Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. He also served as an advisor for Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, and political director during his term.

Maura Keller won the democratic primary for the seat outright on May 21, receiving 56 percent of the votes in Troup County compared to her competitor Val Almonord’s 44 percent. It was a closer margin in the district-wide race with Keller winning with 53 percent of the vote. Jack will face Keller on November 5 for the seat.