Letters to the Editor

Some recent editorials were amusing

In your December 13 edition I first read the editorial by Froma Harrop that told us the present ...

Letters to the Editor

Lanett’s past titles were real, not mythical

First and foremost, I want to say how very proud the entire community is of the Lanett High ...

Letters to the Editor

LHS alumnus disappointed with column

Upon leaving my dorm recently, I began to browse the web to see what’s going on in my ...

Letters to the Editor

Jim Martin a father of Alabama’s GOP

Jim Martin passed away recently in Gadsden at 99 years old. His beloved wife of 70 years, Pat, ...

Letters to the Editor

Rule No. 1: Always follow the money

A recent study by the Sunlight Foundation has found a method to determine how much power corporations command ...

Letters to the Editor

Rising nationalism a problem for Europe

Dear Editor: The November 11, 2017 Wall Street Journal had a disturbing report about fairly large group of Polish ...

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